News / Kit Fox
Ramona Country Fair, Outdoor Adventure Expo
National Adventure School, Land Nav Class
Bridge to Nowhere
This week’s adventure had us exploring the San Gabriel Mountains and the Bridge to Nowhere in the Angeles national Forrest.
First Lite Chama/Kiln Hoodies
And while I stood there in shorts and flip flops (I forgot my boots) I was really glad I had remembered my Chama hoodie from First Lite.
Bataan Memorial Death March 2019
This trip found us in New Mexico participating in the Bataan Memorial Death March. The Death March “is more than just a marathon” it takes place at the White Sands Missile Range just outside of Los Cruses
Kit Fox Outfitters February Desert Run
Desert season, well winter is a great time to get out and enjoy the California Desert. Although it is much more enjoyable than the summer the winter in the desert can come with its own unique challenges.
Coast HX4 Light
The Coast HX4 has quickly become one of my favorite Every Day Carry (EDC) tools.
DIY Gear, I Made a Quilt!
Ever sit around thinking about outdoor gear (that’s about all we do) and go hey “I have an idea”… Well we have those moments too.
Solo Stove Bonfire
We just got back from some winter camping over our holiday break and boy was it cold, luckily for us we brought along our Solo Stove Bonfire.
Christmas at the Grand Canyon
Maybe you noticed we were a little quite over Christmas, well other than taking time with each other we were well out of reception and Wi-Fi at the Grand Canyon.