
Kit Fox Outfitters, May

Spring was definitely in the air, with some green remaining and warmer temps and longer days we had a great month staying busy at the shop and on the road!
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Kit Fox Outfitters, April

April was a typically busy month as we split our time running the shop, teaching class and getting out for adventures. 

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Kit Fox Outfitters, March

March was a busy month here at Kit Fox Outfitters with us exploring the local deserts and teaching a few classes we kept our hands full. Read more about our Wilderness First Aid, Stop The Bleed, First Aid and CPR classes. As well as some local trips and other ongoings at the shop. 

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Kit Fox Outfitters, February

February, This has been another busy month for us, we meant to get the blog going again in January after a long hiatus but here we are, haha. It has been busy here especially with all of the classes we have been teaching.

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Volcan Mountain

Volcan Mountain is one of my favorite new hikes here in San Diego County, I had tried to hike it last year but wasn’t feeling it then life happened and never really got around to it again, until November of this year. Located in East San Diego County this five mile-ish out and back trail has some pretty neat stuff going on and amazing views. Although they steep grade of the access road/trail can make for a good work out so be prepared.

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Five Great Gifts Under $20

It’s that time of year again when we are running around grabbing gifts and stocking stuffers for our co-workers, friends, and family. It can be a stressful time so we put together a list of five awesome presents under twenty dollars that your outdoor people will love and use! After all what a better gift than making their experience outdoors a little more comfortable and safe.

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Water Canyon Campground, Santa Rosa Island

Late September’s trip to Santa Rosa Island was a great trip with some good friends. Santa Rosa Island is a part of the Channel Islands National Park and is the second largest of California’s islands. Yes, California has islands, many have heard of Catalina though while many have not really heard about the Channel Islands.

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Palomar Mtn Observatory Trail

Southern California does have seasons although sometimes you must drive to get to them. But the mountains like Palomar provide crisp fall air and colors as the tress begin to change. So, for this month’s featured sticker we are featuring Palomar Mountain and its iconic observatory.

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Santa Rosa Island, Getting There

We had an amazing trip to Santa Rosa Island which is a part of the Channel Islands National Park for a weekend of camping, hiking and relaxation. After seeing a lot of the pictures, a lot of people I have talked to didn’t know that you can camp and explore there, well until recently I didn’t know you could either. So, one of the major parts of adventuring on this island is getting there…

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Desert View Trail

Desert View Trail (More info here) on Mt laguna in the Cleveland National Forrest is a great way to really take in what San Diego has to offer when it comes to the outdoors. With amazing views of the desert below and Anza Borrego you get to hike along the edge of the mountain though chaparral and into the fall colors and pines. The scenery and easy access make this a trail worth checking out.

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