News / Trips
Orvis Waxed Cotton Strap Vest
"I began looking for a quality vest on line in both fit and function. I am not a small man so my search often includes a couple of X’s in the size, nor am I going to lie I wanted something that looked cool."
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Maryland Section of the Appalachian Trail
It all started talking over some beers at a friend’s house. We had served in the same unit and spent plenty of time in the Middle East....
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Modern Mountain Man Rendezvous
Mountain Man Rendezvous have a long and rich history, these where often bi-annual events where trappers, mountain men and peddlers would come together to exchange their wears and enjoy some stories and swap skills. Well speed it up a century and you have the Modern Mountain Man Rendezvous in Warner Springs. The key word here is modern!
MSR’s Talus series trekking poles are a unique departure from the pack, with older style trekking poles we have seen an evolution from tubular poles with screw down locks to oblong poles with the lever type friction locks. These designs have served the hiking community well providing much needed stability and support, especially for fat guys with bad knees.
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Mt San Jacinto Snowshoeing
So you’re in Southern CA, its winter and you are hankering to get up to the snow and do like some snow stuff other than skiing or snowboarding. I get it we have all been there, and maybe you are not a master outdoorsmen in the snow or maybe just a little rusty yup been there too.
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White Mountain
The following is a write up from our Blog last year (September 2014), but a good thing about stories is they never get old and in many cases might get even better. But we figured with summer being right around the corner and the fact that some of you might be getting ready for a Mt. Whitney hike or or some other awesomeness we might throw this bad boy back up, enjoy…
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